NCoverExplorer full coverage report in CCNet

NCoverExplorer full coverage report in CCNet

I'm using CCNet with NCover 2.1. I'm using the following code to generate xml report off of the coverage.xml (which is generated from NCover) using NCoverExplorer. But I'm noticing that the xml report generated (CoverageSummary.xml)is a 0 byte file. In ccnet.config 'merge' block, I'm putting the path to the the merged xml CoverageMerge.xml. Don't know if its supposed to be done this way. I think according to docs, you need to merge the xml report. But its a 0 byte file! Its not showing anything. I'm usingNCoverExplorer.xsl and NCoverExplorerSummary.xsl provided by NCover. Has anybody integrated the full coverage report with CCNet. I can easily integrate other report types likeModuleSummary, ModuleNamespaceSummary, ModuleClassSummary,ModuleClassFunctionSummary, etc. But my manager wants to see the Fullcoverage report in CCNet. Full coverage report I think is meant to be used with the htmlReportName option. And it generates only html(actually multiple ones). Since it doesn't produce any xml, logically you should not be able to show it in the CC build report since it requires you to merge an xml.

Has anybody have any answers?

RE: NCoverExplorer full coverage report in CCNet

This forum is for NCover 3.

The Full Coverage Report is a framed, many page report. It does not work on one page. This report is not intended to work with CC.NET.

There is no work around for this issue, it is a limit of CC.NET.

Do you have another location on your server that you can place the full html report?


RE: NCoverExplorer full coverage report in CCNet

Place the full coverage report under the artifacts folder for the CC.NET project then provide a link to it via the external links section of the CC.NET project xml file.

RE: NCoverExplorer full coverage report in CCNet

Nice -- thanks for posting, Chris!

NCover Support