Failed to load symbols for module Ncover log report

Failed to load symbols for module Ncover log report

Hello there,

when i ran my component using Ncover for some of the DLLs i m getting the coverage and for some didn't.

Again when i ran some more DLLs are loaded.And I m getting coverage for more DLLs

I m getting the following message in the coverage.log file

Failed to load symbols for module


Can anybody help me out.



Re: Customised stylesheet for NCover xml output


You might want to look at using NCoverExplorer.Console, which produces summary reports of NCover coverage.xml files with statistics including those you list above. You can either directly produce html reports, or produce an xml report which is for use with CruiseControl. You can then either use the stylesheets I provide to render it, or write your own xsl to extract the statistics you are after.

Take a look at - if you track back through the blog entries you can see examples etc which are also included in the download.

Re: Customised stylesheet for NCover xml output


Thanks a lot for your prompt and quick reply. As I noticed, NCoverExplorer uses CoverageReport.xsl to produce xml output. I tried to replace the contents of this file with my own stuff and ran the NCoverExplorer.Console.exe. I observed that the output is not as I wished. Can we not replace the contents of CoverageReport.xsl ? If not would you please help in providing the xsl file for the results iam looking for ?

Just FYI... the output xml I want should look exactly like the one below:

<component name="XYZ">
   <ncover total="12" covered="55" uncovered="45">

I hope I am not asking too much... :-)



Re: Customised stylesheet for NCover xml output


You cannot change the xml output from NCoverExplorer.Console. The xsl is for a "post" step of rendering it. You can of course use your own xsl to transform the NCoverExplorer xml output into the format you want - you just have to do that in your own step after running NCoverExplorer.Console.