Building upon the existing Merge functionality, Consolidate merges executions and then removes the original components to save space and reduce the amount of data being stored. Consolidation greatly reduces the amount of data stored over time and is especially useful for remote collections. This feature can be used to consolidate all coverage to a single execution before synchronizing that data with Code Central, greatly reducing data transfer requirements. Consolidate option is available from both the GUI and the command line interfaces.
Added Consolidation Feature

Improved Aggregation Performance
For users who work on large applications, teams working collaboratively on projects and for any individual that has made code coverage core to the health of their code, NCover has further improved its aggregation process to provide access to vital statistics quicker than ever. This improvement is most noticeable when reviewing code coverage results within a project or across multiple projects.

Improved Memory Usage
Through improvements to the way memory is requested, used and released by the application, NCover is able to more efficiently use available memory resources. In addition, the results in performance improvement and smaller memory footprint are coupled with increases in overall application stability, especially with larger projects.

30+ Enhancements
With over 30 individual enhancements, NCover 4.3 included new features, enhancements and fixes across the NCover solution set. The primary focus of NCover 4.3 was to expand upon the ability of teams, whether in Development or QA, to handle large projects, collection of coverage data across multiple machines and individuals and further refine the usage of system resources.