Bolt is NCover's integrated Visual Studio Test Runner and Code Coverage tool. As a test runner, Bolt provides developers using Visual Studio to develop .NET applications with the ability to run MSTest and NUnit tests from a single interface, command line support, test run prioritization and the ability to run and debug unit tests with coverage. As a coverage tool, Bolt expands upon NCover's previous Visual Studio extension and provides a developer-centric view of code coverage, branch coverage visualization, source code syntax highlighting and both standard and advanced code coverage analytics. When used with a licensed version of Desktop, coverage results can be configured to sync with any of your Desktop projects.
Bolt Test Runner & VS Extension

10x Or Greater Speed Improvement
Representing the largest single improvement in performance since the launch of NCover 4, NCover has dramatically improved the speed, responsiveness and user experience through a series of improvements to the core NCover system. The improvements benefit all users of Desktop, Code Central and Collector. Users with large projects may experience a 10x or greater improvement in system responsiveness and overall speed. The improvements also reduce memory utilization and disk i/o requirements, further freeing up local and system resource usage.

Reduced Storage Requirements
Through a series of improvements in the management of historical code coverage data, NCover data store requirements have been significantly reduced for all NCover projects using the Consolidate and Archive functionality. Users managing large projects may experience up to 60-80% reclaimed storage space. The aggregate savings across multiple projects and teams results in a significant reduction in local resources required by NCover. These benefits are automatically realized for all future projects and can be retroactively applied to historical projects by executing the Compact command at the command line.

Supports Visual Studio 2013
NCover now supports Visual Studio 2013, a comprehensive collection of tools and services to help you create a wide variety of applications, both for the Microsoft platform and beyond. By combining Microsoft's development environment with NCover's code coverage solution, you can develop amazing applications that are both inspiring and reliable. In addition, NCover also supports Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2008.